Voyager . . .

Monday, July 9, 2018

The Behenian Stars (Part Two)

It should be noted that Sol (the Sun) is considered a Behenian star in alternate systems, and that the Hyades are sometimes considered Behenian along with Aldebaran. There is also some variance in the identification of some stars. Polaris is sometimes exchanged for Alkaid, and Algorab is often considered in set with Gienah. 

 Behenian astrology is a whole other branch of the astrological art and the place where astrology and alchemy intersect. 

The chart below gives us in turn: 

1. The modern common name of the Behenian star

2. The Hermetic name of the Behenian star

3. The scientific name of the Behenian star

4. The Tropical location of the Behenian star in its associated constellation

5. The Rulerships of the Behenian Star

6. The gem associated with the Behenian star

7. The plant root associated with the Behenian star and its uses

8. The Behenian star's unique glyph

NameAstronomical DesignationLocationPlanetGemstonePlant & UsageSymbol
AlgolCaput LarvaeBeta Persei26 Taurus 10Saturn & JupiterdiamondBlack Hellebore   Hellebore juice with an equal amount of wormwood placed under a diamond, etc., brings hatred and courage, preserves the members of the
body, and grants vengeance over anyone you wish.
Algol symbol (Agripe 1531).svg

PleiadesM45 (Taurus)29 Taurus 58Moon & Marsrock crystalFennel               Fennel seed with frankincense and quicksilver placed under a crystal with the appropriate character [engraved on it], with the Moon conjunct the Pleiades rising or at midheaven, preserves the eyesight, summons demons and the spirits of the dead, calls the winds, and reveals secrets and things that are lost. Pleiades (Agrippa 1531).svg
AldebaranAldaboramAlpha Tauri9 Gemini 47Mars & Venusruby / garnetMilk Thistle
Milky thistle seed put under a carbuncle with the character shown [engraved on it], with the Moon conjunct [Aldebaran and] the Ascendant or Midheaven, increases riches and brings great honors.
Aldaboram (Agripa 1531).svg
CapellaAlhayhoch, HircusAlpha Aurigæ21 Gemini 51Jupiter & SaturnsapphireThyme or Horehound Horehound seed mixed with equal parts of mint, wormwood and mandrake, placed etc., exalts men to honors, and brings them the favor of kings and nobles, and heals toothache, and is very medicinal. Agrippa1531 Hircus.png
SiriusCanis majorAlpha Canis Majoris14 Cancer 05VenusberylJuniper 
One part savine juniper juice with wormwood and bistort and a little serpent's tongue put under a golden beryl, etc., grants the favor of the spirits of the air and the peoples of the earth, and brings peace and concord between kings and other potentates, and between husbands and wives.
Sirius - Agrippa.png
ProcyonCanis minorAlpha Canis Minoris25 Cancer 47Mercury & MarsagateWater Buttercup or Heliotrope  Heliotrope flowers with pennyroyal flowers placed etc. grants the favor of God and man, gives men the favor of the spirits of the air, gives great power over magic, and keeps men healthy. Agrippa1531 Canisminor.png
Regulus Cor leonisAlpha Leonis29 Leo 50Jupiter & MarsgraniteMugwort or Celandine  Celandine juice with wormwood and mastic placed etc. takes away anger and melancholy, makes men temperate, and grants favor.
Agrippa1531 corLeonis.png
DubheCauda UrsæAlpha Ursæ Majoris28 Gemini 34Venus & MoonmagnetSuccory or Chicory  Chicory juice with wormwood and periwinkle flower placed etc. has power against enchantments and against dryness and gives safety in travel, and if it be put together with wolf's teeth it makes hunters proficient. Agrippa1531 caudaUrsae.svg
AlgorabCorviDelta Corvi13 Libra 27Saturn & MarsonyxBurdock  
Burdock seed, leaves, and roots, with the tongue of a frog, placed etc. makes men angry, hateful, daring, and evil-speaking, causes wicked dreams, drives demons away, and protects men against demons and evil winds.
Agrippa1531 alaCorui.png
SpicaAlpha Virginis23 Libra 50Venus & MercuryemeraldSage 
Sage juice with trefoil, periwinkle, wormwood and mandrake placed etc. will increase gold, accumulate riches, bring victory in lawsuits, and free men from evil and anguish.
Agrippa1531 Spica.png
ArcturusAlchamethAlpha Boötis24 Libra 14Mars & JupiterjasperPlantain 
Plantain juice with seeds or rooted placed under jasper, especially green [jasper], carries away fevers and restrains the flow of blood.
Agrippa1531 Alchameth.png
AlpheccaElpheiaAlpha Coronæ Borealis12 Scorpio 18Venus & MarstopazRosemary  Juice of the herb called rosemary with equal parts trefoil and ivy put etc., makes men chaste, and grants friendship and honor with God and man. Agrippa1531 Elpheia.png
AntaresCor scorpiiAlpha Scorpii9 Sagittarius46Venus & JupitersardonyxBirthwort  
Birthwort juice with a little yew placed etc. gives men healthy color, grants good memory and intelligence, makes them appear wise, and banishes demons.
Agrippa1531 corScorpii.png
VegaVultur cadensAlpha Lyræ15 Capricorn19Mercury & VenuschrysoliteWinter Savory Savory juice with an equal amount of the herb called fumitory and with a little of the stone called turonso, etc. grants favor with beasts, protects from scabies, that is, against demons, nocturnal phantoms, and fears. Agrippa1531 Vulturcadens.png
Deneb AlgediCauda capricorniDelta Capricorni23 Aquarius30Saturn & MercurychalcedonyMarjoram 
Marjoram juice put under a chalcedony with its proper character, the Moon conjunct the tail of Capricorn rising, gives favor in lawsuits, improves the home in which it is kept, keeps it [the home] secure, and increases all manner of riches.
Agrippa1531 caudaCapricorni.png

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