Voyager . . .

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Nautical Almanac # 11 --- Rigel, The Hunter's Foot

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Orion The Hunter may be the most readily recognizable constellation in the northern sky. Remarkable for a shining belt of three stars Orion is one of the most ancient constellations identified by man. There is also a sword of three stars "dangling" from the side of the belt. In more recent times, the middle star of Orion's sword has been identified as a Nebula. Even with planetary light pollution the figure of the man in the sky is easily seen.

Cave paintings in excess of 40,000 years old clearly identify Orion, which can be seen from anywhere on earth. In different cultures, Orion is perceived as a hunter, a shepherd, a god, and a guardian. Several ancient cultures claimed descent from the being they identified with Orion. Mystic traditions connect Orion with the pyramids at Giza and with the Holy Trinity, among other beliefs.
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Orion is a large and distinct constellation and can easily be used as a reference point to find other constellations and stars. Orion also boasts several major navigational stars, among them Betelgeuse and Rigel, the eleventh star in the Nautical Almanac. Blue-white Rigel, the Hunter's foot, has been discovered to be a multiple star system of at least three to five members, the brightest of which, Alpha Rigel, is the star easily seen from Earth. Alpha Rigel burns at some 270,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It is 120,000 times as luminous as our Sun, and has a diameter nearly 80 times the size of our Sun. It is approximately 860 light years from Earth. Rigel is so bright that it illuminates the Witch Head Nebula some 40 light years from its location. It is a Magnitude 0 star.

Were Rigel to go supernova (explode) it is entirely possible that our planet would be impacted by its wash of stellar radiation. However, Rigel is not expected to end its stellar life (as a red supergiant) for some eons yet; Rigel is a new star, only 10 million years old. However, it burns so fiercely that it has already burned through its hydrogen store.

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