Voyager . . .

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Zodiac --- The Sign of Libra the Scales

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Libra / J.P. Rhea

In the Tropical system of astrology the Sun is in Libra from September 22 to October 22nd (depending on the timing of the Autumnal Equinox). In the Sidereal system, the Sun is in Libra from October 18 to November 16. Libra's First Point is the moment when day and night are perfectly balanced. This makes Libra a Cardinal Sign. 

The key phrase of Libra is "I balance" or "I unite" for the Representational Person of the Zodiac, having succeeded in achieving existence (Aries), a secure foundation (Taurus), a sense of the environment (Gemini), and an emotional response to things around them (Cancer) has taken these acquired skills and made positive changes in their life (Leo), establishing a framework or system to perpetuate what they have created (Virgo). They are now ready to share with the world what they have wrought under Libra. 

Scorpius (Scorpio) and Libra. Six thousand years ago, Libra was "The Claws of the Scorpion." You can see how.
Libras relate well to others, with an inborn charm and grace that is entirely natural to them, for Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of Beauty and Love. Libras are tactful. They are the great conciliators of the Zodiac and make excellent professional and lay diplomats. They are excellent sellers of ideas and ideals, and are often swept up in the intellectual romance of their beliefs. Despite their innate romanticism and their rulership by Venus, Libra is a Masculine, "Outer" or extroverted sign. 

Libras are generally not pushy people. Instead, they try to convince people of a position through reasoned argument. Libra is an Air sign, the element of the intellect. 

On the other side, Libras can be foolishly naive. A poorly-aspected Libra is everything a well-aspected Libra is not --- crass, clumsy, argumentative, disagreeable, opinionated, self-indulgent, cynical, and unconvincing. An unevolved Libra is a difficult person. Libras can also seem wishy-washy and indecisive when confronted with a morass of evidence and options. 

Even the worst Libras will often feel that their lives are literally out of balance, and will try to find a middle ground where they can be happier, but what that balance point is can vary from the magical to the mundane. It all depends on the individual. 

Virgo, circa 1000 C.E. A single constellation, Libra was the Scales of Justice and Virgo was the goddess Themis.

Well-known Libras include First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, President Jimmy Carter, Vladimir Putin, Heather Locklear, Bonnie Parker (of ". . . & Clyde"), Lee Harvey Oswald, Ma Barker, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, and John Lennon. 

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