Voyager . . .

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Nautical Almanac # 13 --- Bellatrix, the Amazon Star

Bellatrix, the "Amazon Star" whose name means "Warrior Woman" delineates the left shoulder of mighty Orion. After Rigel and Betelgeuse, Bellatrix is the third-brightest star in the constellation, a 1.5 magnitude star, the 25th brightest in our skies, and the thirteenth star in the Nautical Almanac.
Bellatrix is a massive and superhot blue-white giant, more than eight and a half times as massive as the Sun. Bellatrix is six times the radius of the Sun, and is four times as hot as the Sun's 10,000 degrees F. She is a young star, only 25 million years old, a tiny fraction of our Sun's 4.5 billion years, and lies 250 light years (1,469,656,343,295,902 miles) away from Earth.
 Image may contain: night

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