"The Guardian of The Bear," sometimes called "Alpha Boo" is the
brightest star in the constellation Bootes The Herdsman. The Herdsman
stands in the sky right next to Ursa Major The Great Bear. Arcturus,
shown centered below with a comet crossing its field, is the 37th star
in the Nautical Almanac.
Arcturus is a first magnitude star, the fourth brightest in the night sky, and, being close to the celestial equator, it is visible from most places on Earth. It lies 37 light years from Earth. It is a giant orange star and probably a former yellow star that has left its Main Sequence and used up its hydrogen. As such, it has a mass about that of the Sun's, but a radius 25 times that of the Sun, and a luminosity 170 times greater than the Sun's. Arcturus is about eight billion years old, and burns at about 7300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Arcturus is moving through the heavens quickly, at 272,906 miles per hour, the main star of 52 known collectively as "The Arcturus Stream." It is believed that this stream is the remnant of a small galaxy that was swallowed up by the Milky Way billions of years ago. Interestingly, the Lakota people call Arcturus "Itkob u" meaning "Moving Toward," and Arcturus is in fact coming closer to the Earth.
According to the ancient Greeks, Bootes is considered the son of Calisto, who had been turned into a bear by Zeus. He stands by his mother in the heavens, protecting her from Orion The Hunter.
Arcturus represents either the dangling end of his belt or his penis, depending on the source. In Arab mythology Bootes is "The Lancer" and Arcturus is the lance point. The Chinese called Arcturus "The Horn Tip." Among Australian Aborigines, Arcturus is "The Mother of Dijut (Antares) another red star. Among Polynesians, Alpha Boo is the Star of Joy. In the Old Testament it is the star Ayish. As one of the Behenian Stars Arcturus is said to regulate the Fiery Humor of the body.
Arcturus is a first magnitude star, the fourth brightest in the night sky, and, being close to the celestial equator, it is visible from most places on Earth. It lies 37 light years from Earth. It is a giant orange star and probably a former yellow star that has left its Main Sequence and used up its hydrogen. As such, it has a mass about that of the Sun's, but a radius 25 times that of the Sun, and a luminosity 170 times greater than the Sun's. Arcturus is about eight billion years old, and burns at about 7300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Arcturus is moving through the heavens quickly, at 272,906 miles per hour, the main star of 52 known collectively as "The Arcturus Stream." It is believed that this stream is the remnant of a small galaxy that was swallowed up by the Milky Way billions of years ago. Interestingly, the Lakota people call Arcturus "Itkob u" meaning "Moving Toward," and Arcturus is in fact coming closer to the Earth.
According to the ancient Greeks, Bootes is considered the son of Calisto, who had been turned into a bear by Zeus. He stands by his mother in the heavens, protecting her from Orion The Hunter.
Arcturus represents either the dangling end of his belt or his penis, depending on the source. In Arab mythology Bootes is "The Lancer" and Arcturus is the lance point. The Chinese called Arcturus "The Horn Tip." Among Australian Aborigines, Arcturus is "The Mother of Dijut (Antares) another red star. Among Polynesians, Alpha Boo is the Star of Joy. In the Old Testament it is the star Ayish. As one of the Behenian Stars Arcturus is said to regulate the Fiery Humor of the body.

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