Sagittarius / J.P. Rhea |
Sagittarius The Archer is the ninth sign of the Zodiac, represented by a longbow-wielding centaur, half-human half-equine creatures that are mythologically the children of Zeus (or Jupiter). And indeed, the planet Jupiter rules this Fire Sign.
In the Tropical Zodiac, the sun is in Sagittarius between the 22nd of November until the 21st of December. In the Sidereal Zodiac the dates are December 17 to January 15th.
Wild but intelligent, gifted yet impulsive, the centaur is the perfect symbol for the natives of this sign, the sign of the questing intellectual. Like a wild mustang, Sagittarians never wish to be corralled or put in harness. This is the sign of the traveller and the wanderer, the sign of people who learn through direct experience, and the sign of people who are prone to indulge even their worst whims just to see what the consequences will be. The key phrase of the Sagittarian is "I see" or "I perceive."
Sagittarians are jovial and expansive, just like their ruling planet, and broad-minded and tolerant generally. Only when they get caught up in self-indulgence do they tend to be difficult and stubborn, and even, sometimes, destructive.
Having come into existence (Aries), taken care of basic needs (Taurus), considered the world (Gemini), felt emotion (Cancer), created something (Leo), taken stock of that creation (Virgo), shared what was gained (Libra), and fulfilled their own immediate wants (Scorpio), the Representational Person of the Zodiac under Sagittarius is now moving beyond the bounds of individuality to see how others meet the same challenges.
Sagittarius rules the Ninth House, the place of philosophy, religion, media, education and learning, travel, and distant lands.
Sagittarians are inherent violaters of old metes and bounds, sometimes very intentionally so. If they bring new moral and ethical codes into existence, or new begin patterns of new practices, or throw out stuffy, ossified ways of thinking, or help bring about an increased sense of liberalism, that is all to the well and good, but they can do themselves and others harm by overindulging in drugs and alcohol, becoming fixated on cults and other nonconformist credos, and becoming convinced of their own infallibility. They can abandon families or create larger ones, be unfaithful or inventive in relationships, and be true friends or rank manipulators. "Moderation" is not a word applied to Sagittarians.
At their best, Sagittarians can be persuasive leaders of great social movements. At their worst they can be cranks, paranoids, and unhinged conspiracy theorists. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, so they are capable of changing course, and altering their thinking patterns quickly. Sagittarius is a Masculine, "Outer", or (obviously) extroverted sign, whose natives love to interact with all kinds of people. Vital and enthusiastic, Sagittarius natives want to know the meaning of life.
Famous Sagittarians include Pope Francis, Ted Nugent, J. Paul Getty, Steven Spielberg, Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, Taylor Swift, Ted Bundy, Dale Carnegie, Woody Allen, Billy The Kid, Bruce Lee, Frank Sinatra, Boris Karloff, and Josef Stalin.
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