Gemini / J.P. Rhea |
Gemini is the third sign of the Tropical (Western) Zodiac. It is also the ruler of the Third House of thought and intellect.
According to Tropical Astrology, the Sun is in Gemini between May 21st and June 21st. In the Sidereal system the dates are June 20th and July 16th since the Sidereal system uses the actual size of the asterisms and the precessed position of the Sun to establish its dates.
In Chinese astrology Pollux, the 21st star in the Nautical Almanac and one of Gemini's brightest stars, is called the "north end of the river."
Gemini is an Air sign, linked to the ephemeral and higher energies of the ether. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of rapidity and communication, Geminis are articulate and highly intellectual or insightful or contemplative folk. They are usually interested in --- everything. They may be polymaths, but being mercurial, they often do not stay interested in a topic for very long. Since they are so analytical, they can come off as coldly intellectual.
On the other hand, Geminis like adventure and they like fun, as long as they can learn something or have new experiences. Gemini is a mutable sign, which means its natives adapt well to change or initiate change quickly --- but this often makes them appear flighty or unstable or disloyal to others, and causes them problems. Gemini is sometimes described as "the schizo of the Zodiac," a not altogether unwarranted description, as unevolved Geminis can careen from idea to idea, job to job, marriage to marriage, and sense of self to sense of self.
At the same time, they are gifted at solving problems and are genuinely interested in people and things, so that they can be extraordinarily helpful to others or in resolving conflicts. The ability to see both sides of an issue is a gift these people need to develop if they want to be evolved.
In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Having come into existence (Aries) and taken care of their own immediate basic need for security (Taurus) the representational person of the Zodiac can now begin to contemplate the environment. The central concept of Gemini is "I Think."
Famous Geminis include Congresswoman Jeannette Rankin, Presidents John F. Kennedy, George H.W. Bush, and Donald Trump, Czar Peter The Great, King George III, Queen Mary (of Teck), Wallis Simpson the Duchess of Windsor, First Lady Barbara Bush, the patriots Pauline Cushman, Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale, Confederate President Jefferson Davis, the poets Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, William Butler Yeats and Walt Whitman, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber, and Marilyn Monroe.
The sign of the United States is Gemini, and this is reflected in the nation's quest for adventure, its exploration of new ideas and technologies, and its dedication to and defense of humanity's highest ideals, but also more darkly in its history of freedom and slavery coexisting, its welcoming of immigrants as opposed to its fear of strangers and its persecution of Native Americans, its tension between liberal and conservative values, and especially in the Civil War, when the country literally split in two.
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